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I wish I could hang around with the slimes too. Thanks nilson.

(1 edit) (+2)

now i think of this every time i hear town 1. very cute & touching with a subtle relatable melancholy! they work so hard for us...


Found 16/16 slimes! Love the poetry of the different slime descriptions intermingling with the dreams, and the gorgeous thoughtful maps. This was really really lovely nilson.


nice game..


how wonderful and sweet! i loved how silently the dreams faded in and out again and how they made me feel so close to the person who is sleeping ~*

I got stuck here, the door exit put me in a place where I couldn't get back to my boat.

Other than that, love the game, great vibes, great aesthetic, awesome use of the 3D, very cute, very enjoyable :DDD

thanks for letting me know about this! i ended up fixing it but i'm sorry it happened to you -__-

No problem, it's a very cool game :DDD


Truly excellent, love the combination of elements here, the story, cute slimes, fun collecting gameplay and an aesthetic that rly is a joy. rly good.